HR and Payroll
Traditionally the HR and Payroll systems lived their own lives residing in separate systems. Information was passed on between systems and assigning exact payroll costs e.g., to a project was difficult. Often in cost planning, estimates or average salaries are used, or the real salary costs are calculated afterwards to see if estimates were even close.
Personnel skills reside in supervisors’ memories or they are stored in CV-banks, a collection of text files where finding information is manual. In recruitment processes, good candidates might stand out, but do not show up in next recruitment process throught the system.
Aava allows the creation of up-to-date and exact information of both payroll costs as other areas of HR management.
Aava HR and Payroll Management includes the following areas
Employee Contracts
Working Hours
Travel and expenses
Payroll calculations
Once inputed, the information is available everywhere, without the need to transfer or re-input it. As an example, a calculation of salary cost based on collective frame agreement on employment conditions (for example, a collective union contract) is made automatically by Aava based on employee hours. Supervisors can focus on work content and accepting of hours into salary calculations, invoicing, projects etc. Travel and expense reimbursements utilize the same working hours entries, and data does not have to be re-entered.