Nurminen Logistics
Aava developed a logistics management system for Nurminen Logistics' train freight operations. The system takes care of freight operations from bookings made by the customer to door-to-door delivery. In addition, the system includes fleet management, which controls the freight containers used by Nurminen Logistics.
In 2020 Nurminen Logistics was facing a positive problem. Processes and systems no longer adequately supported Asian train freight operations, which has grown since 2018. Customer bookings also required more efficient and modern operational management.
"The system project started with the goal of developing Nurminen Logistics' business processes so that we could better serve our customers and partners."
Petri Luurila, CIO, Nurminen Logistics
At the beginning of the project, Nurminen Logistics surveyed several systems and system suppliers primarily from the perspective of the container train booking system. However, it became clear very quickly that there was no ready-made software on the market suitable for Nurminen Logistics' needs. The solution to this was to develop a new logistics management system using the existing technology, but entirely with customer-specific features defined by Nurminen Logistics.
"Right from the start of the project, Aava Software demonstrated a very high level of professional expertise in understanding technology, systems and logistics processes."
-Petri Luurila, CIO, Nurminen Logistics
As a result of this extensive expertise, Nurminen Logistics has acquired a system implemented at a high level of automation, the technology of which does not place restrictions on the modelling of complex processes in container train traffic, but which is fully adapted to Nurminen Logistics' operations.
Low-code development software and logistics expertise
The technology developed by Aava is a low-code platform that can develop complex business systems about ten times faster and more efficiently than any other system on the market. Aava started developing low-code systems more than ten years ago and is a pioneer in its field.
The solution implemented for Nurminen Logistics is also based on Aava's technology. There was no ready-made program for logistics, but the system was built from zero for Nurminen Logistics' needs.
The special feature and challenge of the project were dynamic freight situations. Freight information is constantly changing and the final situation will only be known once the train has left the station. For this reason, the functionalities of Nurminen Logistics' booking management system could not be tied to strict processes but had to bend to almost any imaginable scenario.
In addition to technological know-how, Aava's strength in the project was its extensive familiarity with the logistics industry. Aava has already delivered a self-developed VesselERP system for the leading ro-ro and passenger shipping company operating in the Baltic and North Seas. VesseERP enables the shipping company to manage all its operational ship business, including cargo and ancillary operations.
Following Nurminen Logistics' assignment, the processes of container train traffic can now be carried out very flexibly and with a high level of automation.
Aava's innovative technology has enabled the project to have a fast-paced schedule from design to implementation. The project, which started in September 2020, progressed according to schedule and the new system was introduced in Nurminen Logistics' container traffic in China in early 2021.
Konttijuna, lastauslaituri, logistiikka
Konttijuna, lastauslaituri, logistiikka